History of the Barney Charter School Initiative – Golden View Classical Academy

Students studying at Ascent Classical Acadmey

After making a stop in the south to highlight Atlanta Classical Academy last week, we now head west in our survey of the history of BCSI.

Golden View Classical Academy opened in Golden Colorado in 2015 and has 706 students from kindergarten through 12th grade and has a healthy waitlist. It has received the highest rating from the Colorado Department of Education every year since it opened and is highly regarded in the community (read some of the comments on this Facebook post).

Golden View Classical Academy served as the launching pad from which Ascent Classical Academies emerged. Ascent now has two BCSI-affiliated schools in Colorado (Ascent Classical Academy of Douglas County and Ascent Classical Academy Northern Colorado) and was what inspired us to think bigger in Oklahoma. Like Ascent Classical Academies, Classically Formed seeks to start multiple classical charter schools in the state.

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