“They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.”


Mrs. Lord

Director of Operations

  • Doctor of Strategic Leadership from Liberty University (In progress)
  • Master’s degree in Strategic Leadership from Bethel University
  • Bachelor’s degree in Organizational Leadership from Bethel University

Mrs. Lord comes from a diverse professional background, serving four years in the United States Marine Corps, six years in the management of early childhood education schools, and now serves as the Finance Manager at Tulsa Classical Academy. During her time in early childhood education, Mrs. Lord was charged with managing centers that were facing compliance, operational, and fiscal issues. Equipped with the skills to manage challenging situations, Mrs. Lord now uses her experience to build and implement policies and procedures that help Tulsa Classical Academy remain compliant, operationally effective, and fiscally responsible.


Mrs. Lord has an educational background in leadership studies and considers herself to be a life-long learner. She and her husband share a love of academia. As the first in her family to graduate college, Mrs. Lord is committed to finishing her doctorate to show her children, and the children she serves at TCA, that no matter your background, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.


Mrs. Lord was born and raised in Florida. After meeting her husband in Virginia, they spent their first duty station living in Hawaii where they had their first child, and their second duty station in Minnesota where they had their second child. Mrs. Lord and her family settled in Tulsa in 2019 and enjoy traveling and exploring other countries together.


Favorite Classical Text: Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice